Monday, May 24, 2010

Even performance art is for the rich and famous

Marina Abramovic and her troupe of performance artists have taken over the MOMA for the last two months in The Artist is Present. Although Marina has challenged the public to form a connection with the artist, only celebrities like James Franco, Bjork, and a list of other VIP's have had the opportunity to sit with the artist. This doesn't seem so transcendental after all.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Dinner is a bowl of cereal and a glass of red wine.

Something funny at work: "The problem we have with these see this giant cloud above Iceland? That's our problem."

Friday, May 7, 2010
This is one of the best fashion ads I've seen in awhile. It makes me want to own all of the clothes and part my hair like that. I like how it is Lolita inspired. Had a very unpleasant conversation with my supervisor. I hate Quest. They pay engineers shit and get away with it. Their entire system is stupid and their supervisors are stupid. I hope that I leave soon.