Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Road Trip Round Up

Let's begin with Miami

1. Miami was a strange strange place. South Beach was that odd place where vacationers met locals in the most dilapidated environment...which begs the question...how can any place, next to the ocean and especially a conglomerate such as Miami be in such a broken down condition? Has the economy hit Miami that much? 

Greg had only been to Miami once when he was a teenager. On his first visit, he remembered leggy models one after the other and hordes of Aston Martins and Lamborghinis competing for their attention. Such is no more. The Delano, easily the most famous hotel on South Beach only had one Lamborghini on display. Coveted on the front lawn, it was more of a symbol for past glories rather than an abundance of wealth. For a place with so much money passing through, the hotels looked cheap and broken. The Ritz Carleton was no ritz and while the Delano had that cool art deco thing going, the people inside looked tired and worn out. However, that didn't keep the ladies from showing up. In one tight dress after another, they sauntered by wearing last years D&G looking for a sugar daddy. In a fitting display of capitalism, a long table of men slouched on their high chairs facing the entrance of the hotel. It was like a table of pageant judges waiting to choose you from a line up. 

The girls in Miami were beautiful. They wore long dresses and short mini skirts. 

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