Sunday, January 31, 2010

Quick Dinner

Greg has been gone for the past week and being the lazy person that I am, I've only made three meals, which has lasted me until today.

On Monday I made Chinese cabbage and ate that for two days with rice. I then took the chili that Greg made a week ago and remade it into a soup with celery, potato, carrots, mushrooms, and corn. It was pretty good and watered down the vast amounts of garlic that was in the chili.

Yesterday I went out for sushi and sat at the bar by myself. It's kind of Greg and mine's neighborhood hang out now so I feel pretty comfortable going there and having a meal by myself. Actually, I felt like pretty cool eating by myself. While there, I read Invisible Man by Ralph Ellison. I had tuna tartar and a spicy scallop roll and a tuna, apple, mango, avocado roll. I really like it there b/c they'll make whatever we ask for. (Side note, does anybody know who you are supposed to tip when you are sitting at the bar? It was weird b/c the waitress would bring me water and sometimes my food, but it was the sushi chef who took my order and made my sushi. I tipped him $4 and the waitress $2. I was embarrassed so I ran out of the restaurant. It wasn't the usual waitress anyway.)

Tonight was my quickest meal. I threw in leftover lettuce, mushrooms, celery, chopped up half an apple and threw in a really old piece of ciabatta bread (I munched on it as a snack like a week ago and didn't throw out the leftovers, I know its gross, but frugal don't you think?) as croutons. For the dressing I used the Thai peanut sauce Greg and I made a few weeks ago. So Voila, I got rid of all of my leftovers and it was rather delicious. It probably tasted better than it was because I was reading the Buttermilk Channel menu when I was eating. I miss all the restaurants in NY. If I lived in NY, I probably could have had every meal out since Greg has been gone.

Tomorrow for lunch I will have the leftover soup. I saved it so I didn't have to cook over the weekend. I'll have to make another batch of soup with the other half of the chili tomorrow.

There is still a squash and chives from when Greg went grocery shopping. Don't you just hate it when other people buy the stuff and they don't cook it? Not that he had time to make it. I love squash, but I don't want to cook it b/c I'd have to chop it all up and throw it in the oven -I know, simple enough, but growing up in a Chinese household, we never used the oven much so I am not so used to cooking that way. Also, I can't just make a squash, I'd have to make other stuff to eat with it, and that's just too much work for me. It be pretty strange just to have a slice of squash for dinner, although I wouldn't put it past me.

For my sake, I hope Greg comes home on Tuesday. Before he left, he joked that I was going to eat cabbage all week, which was close enough. I tend to cook vegetarian when I am by myself because it is the most simple. I don't like to only eat meat so I'd have to cook meat and veggies. I also do not like cooking meat in general so I cook veggies.


  1. haha, our cooking and eating ways are very similar. i'm always saving leftovers and using them up in various ways as well; it's one of my favorite ways to cook, not to mention very frugal and handy when living in a dorm that doesn't have any decent grocery stores nearby.

    the tipping system at a sushi bar would confuse me, too, but unfortunately, i hardly ever have sushi (i hate japanese cuisine), so i have no tips to offer you there (no pun intended).

  2. i usually cook vegetarian when cooking only for myself, too! and chinese cabbage is my favorite vegetable. i think more recipe sharing is in order for us.
